

0-day streak
We just kicked off our first announcement in our club discord for P2P Hack Club, the hack club that I run at my high school, this year! We announced a new colead, introduced hacktoberfest, the return of gaming events that we run, and an archive of our websites at and! Something really cool we've been working on is that we want to work with our club members this October to help build our club site! We also had a meeting yesterday with coleads about new plans for this year and I am actually so hyped. This year's club is going to be waaaaaay better than last year, I just know it 😄
I hung up some omori postcards in my room! 😁
🚢SHIP IN THE HARBOR, I REPEAT SHIP IN THE HARBOR 🚢 This was a website we made for our HS P2P Hack Club meeting today :D Have you ever wanted to learn how to create an interactive, choose-your-own adventure story, inside of a choose-your-own adventure story? No? Well, we made one anyway!
In preparation for a club meeting tomorrow, I just shipped's-introduction-to-github (repo:, which is a GitHub Labs course for getting started with GitHub, the P2P Hack Club way 😄 Expect a lot of orpheus, corny jokes, and fun drawings that I got to incorporate from the hackclub/dinosaurs repo 😄. If you haven’t used GitHub Labs before, it’s learning how to use GitHub on GitHub. In this course, you help publish Orpheus’s website for their science project, using the GitHub flow. The entire course is based upon GitHub’s Introduction to GitHub course, which made it really easy to set-up (writing this and testing took around 4 hours) It’s definitely rough around the edges right now, but we’ll be going through it tomorrow with my club, and I’ll be updating and tweaking the course over the next couple of days to make the learning experience even smoother! Suuuuper fun to make, I definitely want to make a GitHub Labs course from scratch in the future.
made a stonk orpheus as part of our club meeting slides tomorrow Definitely one of my best ships this year xDD
I’ve been hacking for a while on, which is my personal .dotfile configurations for macOS! I started it when I wanted to reset my computer to make it run faster, but I still didn’t want to spend hours on set-up and configuration that I would need to do again every time I wanted to set-up a new computer. I created a custom install script written in shell (my first shell program)! that uses Brew, Dotbot, and a couple of other tools to install and configure programs! It will probably be forever a work in progress, but it’s been really fun learning about package managers and dotfiles for my favorite programs, as well as learning a lot more about bash and shell 😄
Started learning some more react today! WIP of a tic-tac-toe game from the official react tutorial
Worked really hard with the other coleads to make this beauty for our first hs club meeting this Friday 😄 😄
Inktober Day 16: Rocket Blink.
Inktober Day 15: Outpost Half way! 🥳🥳. Unfortunately a little late, but the end of the quarter has been super busy! Hopefully a normal schedule for the rest of the challenge 😄. Look out for the mirage.
Started work on Vaux 😄, learned that if you git clone a folder with the “.app” file extension on osx that the computer incorrectly recognizes it as a program instead of a folder! I guess never name a repo with a .app in the name then xD
Inktober Day 14: Armor First thing I could think of was Minecraft copper armor (even though it probably won't be a thing 😜)
Inktober Day 13: Dune Lonesome Peak
Inktober Day 12: Slippery !!!
Inktober Day 11: Disgusting For a blobfish, beauty is found beneath the surface.
Just finished a really large project for AP-CS A. It’s a Java class that models a fraction, with 25 public methods. This class allows you to store fractions in Java without any loss in precision that you would get with division. It handles edge cases like undefined fractions, as well as input support for mixed fractions and integer operands. It also automatically simplifies any fractions it returns. Each method is mercilessly documented, and mostly unit tested. 😄
Inktober Day 10: Hope A shattered promise.
hehe lots of work to do 😁
Hack@Home Hackathon Day 1: School pretty much took up my entire day, so I only really got a design document down and a figma project. Super excited for tomorrow 😄 My group’s idea: an app that makes memorizing scripts wayyy easier
Inktober Day 9: Throw "Oh no the runner cannot hear us he has airpods in" Since I'm working on a project for the Hack@Home hackathon, I decided to do a programming joke today 😁
#Inktober Day 8: Teeth Stark sharp shark tooth
#Inktober Day 7: Fancy Walrus chic
#Inktober Day 6: Rodent 👑 🐀 🥔
#Inktober Day 5: Blade Fans are bad speakers.
#Inktober Day 4: Radio Must be lonely being a fake tree.
#Inktober Day 3: Bulky Some minecraft fanart inspired by the awesome Minecraft Live today 😁
#Inktober Day 2: Wisp This was a really fun one! Really happy with how it turned out!
First time messing with Javadocs, and it seems magical. Never really done that much documentation in any of my projects so I’m glad that Javdocs made it so easy! Now all I need is a Javadoc hot reloader like Gatsby and I’ll be set :fastparrot:
This was the first time in literally a year (not hyperbole) that I have actually sat down and drawn something! I’m starting the #inktober2020 challenge, so wish me luck 😄. I hope by the end of this I will actually start drawing consistently! #inktober Day 1: Fish
New altML ship! We’ve put together an 11-minute “tech talk”, where we talk about the technical details of altML, and our experience while creating it. altML is a chrome extension that uses machine learning to generate image captions for websites that don’t have them. Check it out at!
My internship group at @CodeDay Codelabs just wrapped up! I learned a lot, and I was in a group with some amazing people. Thank you @saharsh for being our mentor! We created a short demo video about the chrome extension that we maa In 4 weeks, we created altML. altML is a chrome extension that uses machine learning to generate image captions for websites that don’t have them. Check it out at!
I worked with my internship group at CodeLabs to create a little recap video about what we did this week for our prototype day tomorrow!
I’ve finished the problem readability for CS50's pset2! This one gave me a lot of problems debugging a final issue, but I made my code simpler and more easy to understand in the end!
I finished moving all of my, and P2P Hack Club’s repositories to use the main branch ‘main’, and I moved everything to host via Vercel!
Today, I am attempting to change all of my GitHub branches from ‘master’ to ‘main’ to make my projects more welcoming to everyone. I believe that language in software matters, and this is a step I want to take to be an ally in the community. I’m super glad that GitHub has this in the pipeline to be automatic in the future! One issue I am running into is that GitHub Pages only supports the ‘master’ naming convention, so I am choosing to abandon GitHub Pages for my projects, and find alternate hosting methods.
Time to watch CS50 week 2 😄 I want a CS50 soundtrack so badly xD
I just passed my permit test for driving! Super excited for what I am going to create this summer 😄